
Dropbox free space limit
Dropbox free space limit

There are 6 actions available, completing each of the action will earn you 128 MB of free storage space. Share a folder with your friends or colleagues.Ģ. Put some files in your “My Dropbox” Folder.Ĥ. Install the Dropbox client on your computer, you can skip this if the client is already installed on any one of your systems.ģ. Go to the “Get Started” tab and complete the steps of the introductory Dropbox tour.Ģ. There is no need to wait for the referral sign-ups to complete, all you have to do is log into your Dropbox account and carry out the following steps:ġ. Not many users know that Dropbox gives a free 250 MB storage upgrade to all users if you just complete the Dropbox tour by logging in to your Dropbox account. Get 250 MB Dropbox Storage Upgrade By Completing the Dropbox Tour In this article, we will learn some tricks to increase Dropbox storage space and how you can use referral sign-ups to get up to 8GB of Dropbox storage space, all for free. However, the 2 GB limit is not enough if you want to sync or backup a large collection of music albums, MP3’s, video files etc. If you are new to Dropbox and haven’t tried it yet, we suggest you read our earlier article on how to make the most out of Dropbox.ĭropbox gives 2 gigabytes of free space to all users which is sufficient if you want to sync only a few folders between multiple computers.

Dropbox free space limit